Restructuring Public Autonomous Bodies of Housing Urban Development Punjab to Succeed In a Highly Competitive Environment


Mr. Abubakar Nazir Khan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 37-60 | Views: 689 | Downloads: 158 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3975541

Volume 9 - July 2020 (07)


the objective of carrying out the research is to transform the autonomous bodies into well performing bodies lacking the quality of services in their mandated area which is quite deficient primarily due to their institutional design, including issues of autonomy, governance and professional capacity at all levels. This has led to a continuous decline of various service delivery indicators which despite heavy capital investments and annual subsidies havenot translated into improved services. The research will be based on doing the critical review of the Legaldocuments,policiesandpracticesoforganization.GAPanalysis will be conductedbyobtaining reliable data on legal matters, Human resource, Regulatory, financing and Technical efficiencyto conduct comparison of actual vs. potential performance and best use of current resources. Reforms or restructure plan will be prepared on the basis of GAP analysis and Critical review and will suggestKPI’s.


KPI’s, Autonomous bodies, Professional Capacity, Legal Matters, Human resource, Regulatory, financing and Technical efficiency


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