Chronic Kidney Disease and its Complications


Dr Mujtaba Ali Hasnain , Dr Muhammad Fahad Ali , Dr Zubair Anwar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-05 | Views: 832 | Downloads: 196 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3974427

Volume 9 - July 2020 (07)


High quality epidemiological studies conducted in different regions of the world revealed that at present 12 to 13% adult individuals have chronic kidney disease markers. The young population is prone to this complex disease at a very high rate. The progression of CKD is linked with the already existing a number of complications like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, anemia and metabolic disorders. In CKD, the patient’s kidneys fail to filter the blood at normal rate and this leads to accumulation of waste materials in the body and toxicity. If CKD isn’t treated well on time, then it increases the morbidity and mortality rate. A multidisciplinary approach is required to combat this situation, especially in the developing countries like Pakistan, where resources are limited and healthcare institutes fail to provide adequate dialysis and patient management as per recommended guidelines. This review paper throws light on the chronic disease and its complications.


Chronic Kidney Disease


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