The influence of promotion opportunities and professional development on the Job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in the Central region of Botswana.
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of promotion opportunities and professional development on the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in the Central region of Botswana. The quantitative approach was used as the method of analysis. A 5 Linkert scale Teacher job satisfaction questionnaire (TJSQ) was used to collect data from 206 secondary school teachers in nine secondary schools in the Central region of Botswana. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was established before it was administered to the teacher respondents. In order to ensure that the instrument was correct and effective, a pilot study which consisted of 15 teachers not included in the actual study was conducted. The Statistical Packages of Social Scientists (SPSS) version 23 was used during the data analysis. The data was then presented through the use of descriptive statistics, One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent sample t-tests tables. The findings of the study showed that the male secondary school teachers in the Central region of Botswana are not satisfied with their job and promotion opportunities when compared to their female counterparts. The study further revealed that secondary school teachers in the Central region of Botswana are significantly satisfied with the provision of professional development in their various schools. The study recommended that the government should promote gender equality in the teaching profession especially during the times of promotion.
Job satisfaction, Promotion opportunities, Professional development
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