Teacher Education Change in Light to the Expanding Higher Education System in Sudan
Samir Mohamed Ali Hassan Alredaisy ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 36-49 | Views: 646 | Downloads: 189 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3948213
This research explained the development of teacher education “training” in Sudan, with peculiarity to reforms following 1994 and, as well, discussed the problems concerned. It based on research done by some experts in the field of teacher education; and on official data of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research; and on academic office of faculty of Education University of Khartoum. The research adopted historical and derivational approaches. The main findings were that, the experiences of teacher education prior to 1994 were more successful compared to those pro 1994, and that faculties of education face substantial problems concerning students’ admission; programs updating, staff qualifying and infrastructure. The research ultimately proposed the establishment of University of Educational Sciences in each region of Sudan to overcome these current problems in order to produce high calibre teacher.
Teacher Education, Educational Reform, Educational Professionalism, University of educational sciences
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