Emirati Youth Trends toward Some Social Networking Issues
Hebatalla El Semary , May Al Khaja ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 59-67 | Views: 973 | Downloads: 229 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408206
This study aims at exploring Emirati Youths' trends toward three social networking issues which are credibility, privacy and impact on family relations and how their awareness of these controversial issues affects their use of social media. A total of 330 youngsters aged 19-35 were interviewed. The sample was selected from the seven different Emirates within UAE. Moreover, focus group discussions were conducted with three different groups of Emirati students from five different universities and 50 other students were asked to answer an essay exam related to the future of social networks in UAE with respect to these three issues.
Social Networks, Credibility, Privacy, family relations
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