Improving the Tourists’ Destination Choice through Web Based Technology use in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya


Nelly Nyatichi Marita , Nevile Ogetii Marita ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 30-37 | Views: 674 | Downloads: 190 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3904359

Volume 9 - May 2020 (05)


The study investigated the effects of web based technology on tourists' destination choice of Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. It was informed by the classic line of thought and the alternative line of thought models which focuses on Tourist Destination Choice. The research design used was descriptive survey and explanatory which enabled the researcher to gather data from the population. The target population was tourists visiting Maasai Mara National Reserve for the first six months of 2015. The simple random sampling techniques were used to select a sample of 232 tourists. Questionnaires were used to collect the relevant quantitative data, with crobanch alpha being used to determine the reliability of the scales used. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques such as frequencies, mean, and standard deviation and presented using tables and charts. The researcher also used inferential statistics (t-test) and employed a Pearson correlation to show the relationships that exist between the variables. Multiple regressions analysis was also performed to show the causal effect. The coefficients of estimate  analysis indicated that Web based technology (β3 = 0.436) with a p-value = 0.000 had a significant and positive effect on tourist destination choice. This infers that the use of web based technology enhances the destination choice; for each unit increase in web based technologies, there is up to 0.436 units increase in destination choice. The study will be of great value because it will help the management of Maasai Mara National reserve  to improve their destinations by the use of an appropriate Web based technology, besides it will form a base of study for other researchers who may be interested in the same field of study. Again it will help other management of tourism sites to  develop an image and engage in marketing strategies in order to create a positive attitude on its customers/tourists to ensure that their destinations are chosen. Also the customers/tourists will be enlightened on various tourists' destination choices by use of an appropriate Web based technology. The study was restricted to Maasai Mara National Reserve, because of the accessibility of the area, lack of enough financial resources and also the limited time. The author recommends the management of the Maasai Mara National Reserve to put more emphasis on tourists' destination choices in order to enhance customer satisfaction. This study would be of significance to service industries as it will point how tourists' destination choice can impact on their tourism site performance.


Tourists' destination choice, Web based technology, customer satisfaction, Marketing strategies 


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