The Effects of the Use of ICT as a Marketing Strategy on the Performance of SME: A Systematic Literature Review


Penn Emmanuel Mbuh , Mbouzou Tokam Silvain , Kayode I. Adenuga , Alain Vilard Ndi Isoh , Nchise Delphine Nchang , Abdallah Ziraba ,

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Volume 9 - May 2020 (05)


This study seeks to investigate the effects of e-marketing both directly and indirectly on the performance of SMEs. The study is a systematic literature review conducted using meta-analysis. In the end, 24 articles comprised reports, conference papers, and journal articles were systematically reviewed with the intension of answering two research questions; what effects do e-marketing have on the return of SMEs? And Other than return, what other benefits does E-marketing have on SMEs? The research concluded that, e-marketing increases the return of the business by maximizing its sales and minimizing its cost. It further concluded that e-marketing helps in the growth of SMEs by increased its productivity and giving it a comparative advantage over its competitors and large firms


ICT, e-marketing, Marketing Performance and SMEs


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