The Relation between Organizational Intelligence and Prerequisites for the Establishment of Learning Organization in I.R.I.B-Centers in Provinces
Hossein Mohamad Khani , Kamran Rajaee Reza , Mehdizadeh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 47-58 | Views: 930 | Downloads: 208 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408204
In competitive atmosphere dominating media in the world, all the management systems of media should recognize two important components: Organizational intelligence and learning organization. The present study was carried out with the view to establishing the relationship between organizational intelligence and prerequisites for the establishment of learning organization in I.R.I.B centers of provinces. Regarding aim, the study is applicable, and methodically it is a descriptive-correlation one. The sample population for the research comprises managers and experts at I.R.I.B centers of provinces and the 265 subjects were selected via random sampling classification. To measure organization intelligence, Albrecht's (2003) 7- dimensional model was used and to assess prerequisites for the establishment of learning organization Denton's (1998) 9-dimentional model was used. The results revealed that the components being: “appetite for change”, " knowledge deployment", “shared fate”, “alignment and congruence” have respectively highest degree of relation with linear model of “prerequisites for the establishment of learning organization “and using aforementioned components a dependable model can be developed which can explain the 49 percent increase of the strength of variance model related changes of prerequisites for the establishment of learning organization.
organizational intelligence; learning organization, broadcast company media management.
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