Lecturers and Leaders Perceptions about Co-Teaching: A case of Limkokwing University, Botswana


Bogosi Monyamane , Lindiwe Monyamane ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-06 | Views: 785 | Downloads: 221 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3692452

Volume 9 - February 2020 (02)


This paper investigated the challenges which the lecturers and leaders at Limkokwing University faced when using co-teaching in their classrooms. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from 50 participants based in 6 faculties at the Botswana campus. Data were analyzed using pie charts and graphs to interpret the views of lecturers and Heads of departments about co-teaching. The results obtained revealed that the lecturers at Limkokwing University lacked the necessary skills required for the implementation of co-teaching and that they are not well versed with co-teaching models. It is also evident that there are no co-teaching frameworks that are being implemented by the faculties under study to support co-teaching usage. In addition, lecturers did not have adequate teaching and learning resources for co-teaching implementation.


Co -Teaching, Challenges, Teaching and Learning Resources, Lecturer Collaboration, Perceptions, Co-Teaching Models, Professional Training.


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