A Review of Contextual Factors Influencing Performance Measurement System Adoption in the Construction Industry


Abdulwadod Saeed Abdulwasea Hassan , Norshahrizan Nordin , Adi Anuar Azamin ,

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Volume 9 - January 2020 (01)


Adopting the performance measurement system (PMS) is one of the most important initiatives introduced in different industries and sectors, such as the construction sector of many countries. However, in practice, it has been noted that despite the enormous possible advantages that the PMS could provide, some   organizations are facing difficulties in its adoption, and failing to achieve the full potential of the system or, worse still, fail totally in adopting it. Through an extensive review of previous studies in the literature, this paper will discuss the contextual factors that affect the adoption of such a system in the construction industry. Several factors are determined as important enablers of PMS adoption among construction firms and are classified as external and internal factors. More specifically, this review paper addresses external factors such as environmental uncertainty, stakeholder involvement, and competition, besides, internal factors such as leadership, strategy, information system, and quality management practices


PMS; adoption; construction; internal; external; factors


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