A Critical Review of Literature on Labour Relations and Employee Performance in Kenya after the Promulgation of the 2010 Constitution
Reuben Omunyole Andati , Dr. Otuya Willis ,
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Employees are very important assets in an organization. They should be engaged properly to enhance the achievement of organizational objectives. Employees’ potential can be optimally harnessed to achieve effective performance. In this regard, this paper examines studies on the transformation of employee relations management in Kenya after the promulgation of the 2010 Constitution which enforced labour laws. The review further assesses the effects of industrial unrest after the new Constitution was promulgated in 2010 through a comprehensive review of literature on earlier studies. Those studies did not try to address the imbalance between rights and the responsibilities of trade unions, nor highlight the fact that the Labour Laws are activist in nature hence fueling unrest in the labour market. Finally, the paper suggests that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission to widely consult with stakeholders and reconsiders its approach when reviewing CBAs.
Industrial Relations, Labour Relations, Performance, Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC)
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