What is the Mean of Human in Human Resource Management: A Phenomenological Study for the Manufacturing Organizations of Karachi


Kashif Mehmood Malik ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 10-16 | Views: 338 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7019929

Volume 11 - June 2022 (06)


Humans are considered as a social being with rights and freedom, but for organizations they are the source of input for their production. In this research, it is tried to explain the real meaning of human for organizations, for some Human are most important to them yet through their few practices they have shown that actually they consider them as like other resources. In this research interviews were conducted from 03 of the manufacturing organizations from Karachi, Pakistan. Research paradigm used in this  research would be post positivism because it will give a room for AD HOC modification and poppies falsification of their defined/ narrated definition of human (by HRM department of organization) after analysis from personals from HR Department and one who actually experience their practices.


Human Resource Management, Phenomenological Study


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