Bank Al-Habib Limited: Deciding which way to go? Moving a step head in Technology
Kashif Mehmood Malik , Dr. Kamran Ahmed Soomro ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-09 | Views: 331 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7019925
Banking industry of any country is considered as the backbone of any economy, history is a powerful testimony of the fact that, this sector has faced a tremendous growth not only in Pakistan but round the Globe. This is one of the sectors which require high level of investment and security to meet up the international standards for smooth operations. All the aspects of banking sector are of equal importance but technology is on the top of the list. As banks purely deals in services so, it is very essential for Banks to timely update their system and adopt these changes or else they will be out of the market. In this case study we have discussed a problem of Bank Al Habib Limited, which it has faced recently while during its new software implementation in the organization. Meanwhile few other opportunities were also proposed to management which they were thinking to avail. This case study is written for academic purpose and will only be used for same. Some of the data and information used in this case study is hypothetical and fictional.
Management, System Re-Engineering, Technological Change, Technological impact on Personnel, Strategic Management, Banking, Transformation Change, Change implementation, Change Management.
i. Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan, CEO of BAHL. He has done MBA in Banking and Finance from Karachi University.
ii. Bank Al Habib limited (BAHL), started its operations from Oct, 1991.
iii. A process in which all the activities of specific department will be processed and completed from one central location.
iv. Mr. Ali Raza Balouch, I.T Head of BAHL. He has done MCS from NUST.
v. ORBIT, functionally rich banking solution which is the solution for all possible weaknesses of AHS and OBS.
vi. OBS, Online Banking Software.
vii. AHS, Al Habib System.
viii. Mr. Shahid Raza Saleh, Head of CPU. He has done MBA Finance from IBA Karachi.
ix. The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the global financial crisis and the 2008 financial crisis, is considered by many economists to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s
x. State Bank of Pakistan established in 1948, it is the central bank of Pakistan.
xi. Prudential regulation is type of financial regulations that requires financial firms to control risks and hold adequate capital as defined by capital requirement. This is in contrast to consumer protection rules that are also part of financial regulations. It is further divided into two categories macro and micro regulations.
xii. Anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) for financial service providers working with low-income people.
xiii. Mr. Iqbal Abu Baqar, Head of Export in BAHL. He has done Masters from Karachi University along with certain foreign trade related certifications.
xiv. Mr. imtiaz Shaikh, Head of Imports in BAHL. He has done Masters from Karachi University, JAIBP & AIBP by Chartered Bankers U.K.
xv. He was the Prime Minister of Pakistan in the 90s (1990–93 and 1997–99) and the Chief Minister of Punjab from 1985 to 1990.
xvi. The Privatization process in Pakistan was a policy measure program in the economic period of Pakistan. It was first conceived and implemented by the then-people-elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistan Muslim League, in an attempt to enable the nationalized industries towards market economy.
xvii. It is the car financing facility launched by Bank Al Habib Ltd for its customers/ consumers.
xviii. Dell Inc. is a multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas and, along with Dell EMC, is a subsidiary of Dell Technologies, one of the largest technology companies in the world.
xix. Wyse is a manufacturer of cloud computing systems. They are best known for their video terminal line introduced in the 1980s, which competed with the market leading Digital.
xx. Customer loyalty is the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the product or services. Consider who you yourself are loyal to. Surely you'll answer family and friends.
xxi. It is a process through which one business tries to hold its current customer base and tries to attract new one by delivering exceptional services and quality products.
xxii. Banking Mohtasib Pakistan (BMP), an independent statutory body working as an alternate dispute resolution center, for amicable resolution of disputes, if the bank is failed to resolve to the issue matter is than submitted to SBP for resolution.
xxiii. An emotional connection is a bundle of subjective feelings that come together to create a bond between two people. The word emotional means to arouse strong feelings. The feelings may be anger, sorrow, joy, love or any of thousands of emotions that humans experience.
xxiv. Service quality. An assessment of how well a delivered service conforms to the client's expectations. Service business operators often assess the service quality provided to their customers in order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems, and to better assess client satisfaction.
xxv. Mr. Mehboob Ali, Head of human resource Division of BAHL. He has done MBA in HR from Glascow College U.K and a number of certifications in Human Resource Management.
xxvi. Management Trainee Officer, minimum requirement for this program is Masters (Training period is 06 months).
xxvii. Graduate Trainee Officer, minimum requirement for this program is Bachelors (Training period is 02 months).
xxviii. Mr. Raza Raffique, Expert of Export in BAHL. He has done MBA Finance from Karachi University.
xxix. Cash Deposit Machine, through which customers can deposit their cheques in their accounts of BAHL any time from remote locations.
xxx. Founded in 1986, Wavetec is a multinational technology company that is at the forefront of technological revolution since more than two decades and enjoys a firm presence in over 70 countries. With more than 2 million people benefitting from Wavetec's customer experience solutions on a daily basis, its Information Display solutions installed at 25 leading financial markets around the world, and a credible customer portfolio, rich integration tools, and customizable solutions. Its head-quarter is in Dubai.
xxxi. Mr. Hussain Aqdas, Head of Consumer Banking Division (CBD). He has done MBA Finance from LUMS.
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