Factors Affecting Project Scheduling Of Non-Governmental Organizations’ Projects in Mogadishu, Somalia. (A Case Study of International Rescue Committee)


Maina Tabitha Wanja ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 09-17 | Views: 1042 | Downloads: 286 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445663

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


The purpose of the study was to assess factors affecting project scheduling of non-governmental organizations’ projects in Mogadishu, Somalia. (A Case Study Of International Rescue Committee).The study was informed  by the theory of performance and agency theory. The research design that the study adopted is the descriptive survey design. The target population for the study consists of 52 Humanitarian officers operating in Mogadishu working for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The study adopted census and include every member in the sample from in the study. The main data collection tool for the study was the questionnaire. The collected data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistical tools that the study used included frequencies, percentages and mean while inferential statistical tools included regression analysis. Results obtained from monitoring and evaluation process provided a crucial link between project implementers and decision-makers. Good stakeholder participation program enabled those who are interested in, or affected by a decision, have an opportunity to influence the outcome and that management’ commitment ensured timely completion of NGO initiated projects. The study concludes that monitoring and evaluation and stakeholders’ commitment influenced scheduling of NGO Projects in Mogadishu. Monitoring and evaluation of NGO Projects in Mogadishu should be performed in every phase of implementation. Project implementation team should fully engage all the stakeholders in projects implementation process.


Monitoring and evaluation, Project implementation, NGO, project scheduling and stakeholders’ commitment 


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