Motivation Triggers the Attainment of Second Language Acquisition: A Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis
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Among so many drivers functioning in the way of L2 acquisition process, motivation is considered as the best one by most of the scholars. Though there are many types of motivation, the integration of all sorts of motivational behavior accelerates the overall learning process of learners. Based on the importance of motivation, the current study aims to analyze the studies of famous scholars, their theories and concepts pertinent to the role of motivation in the field of SLA. Many empirical studies found that there is a big difference in terms of the attainment of the target language between the learners who are motivated and who are not motivated by any means. This paper will add value to the existing literatures based on the importance of motivation in the process of learning L2
L2 Attainment, Motivation, Theories of Motivation, Conceptual Analysis
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