Moderating Effect of Alliance Network on the Relationship between Competitive Strategies and Firm Performance in the Telecommunication Industry in Kenya


Musyoka Margaret Ndunge , Robert Arasa , Charles Ombuki ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-28 | Views: 706 | Downloads: 194 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3514709

Volume 8 - September 2019 (09)


Organizations on telecommunication platforms are heavily impacted by increased competition globally due to the industry’s dynamic nature especially in technology. Therefore, this has resulted in formation of alliance networks with the aim of entering new markets, developing new products faster, and meeting the growing market demands.  Alliance networks enable firms respond to technological changes with greater efficiency and speed in order to remain relevant to the market scene. Hence, the current investigated moderating effect of alliance networks on the relationship between competitive strategy and firm performance in telecommunication industry in Kenya. The descriptive research design was adopted and primary data collected through issue of questionnaires. Study findings revealed positive moderating effect of alliance networks on the relationship between competitive strategy and firm performance in the telecommunication industry in Kenya


Alliance networks, Firm Performance, Competitive Strategy, Telecommunication


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