The Implication of Macroeconomic Variables on PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE (PSE) Payback and unpredictability before and after Global Economic disaster.
Rabia Najaf , Kamran najaf (ACCA) ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 18-26 | Views: 1338 | Downloads: 314 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445660
The reason of this thesis is to examine the implication of macroeconomic issue on the Pakistan Stock exchange instability in pre and post the 2011's worldwide economic disaster (2004-05-2007-08).Worldwide macroeconomic variables utilized in this work are Pakistan stock exchange (PSE) industrial index and gold price, whilst the local macroeconomic variables utilized were the swap rate, mark up rate and inflation factors. This work utilized the different methods to bring the knowledge of the impact of macroeconomic variables on Pakistan stock exchange return instability.Based on the outcome of this work, it was known so as to two variables, specifically PSE and the swap rate had important constructive result on PSE's payback volatility, as three variables those are gold cost, mark up rate and inflation had no important result lying on PSE’s payback volatility.
Disaster, PSE, Swap rate, Payback, volatility.
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