How Gender and the Work Environment Influence the Job Satisfaction of Public Secondary School Teachers in the Central Region of Botswana
Bogosi Monyamane , Lindiwe Monyamane ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 16-25 | Views: 836 | Downloads: 223 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456964
This study’s main focus was to investigate how gender and the work environment influence the job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers in the Central region of Botswana. Maslow’s theory of needs was used for the study. This study used quantitative analysis and targeted a population of 680 teachers from ten public secondary schools in the Central Region of Botswana. The sample of the study consisted of thirty-two percent of the targeted population which involved 213 teacher respondents. The participants were randomly selected from both junior and senior secondary schools in the region. A questionnaire was used during the data collection process and the validity and reliability of the instrument were established before the questionnaire was administered to the sampled participants. The efficiency of the questionnaire was pre-tested by 20 teacher respondents who were not part of the study sample. The data were presented using descriptive statistics, One Way Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and independent sample t-tests tables. The descriptive statistics used were calculated using the Statistical Packages of Social Scientists (SPSS). The findings of the study showed a strong link between gender, the work environment and teacher’s job satisfaction. In the study, public secondary school male teachers had greater job satisfaction than their female counterparts. The study further revealed that males were satisfied with promotion than female teachers. The study made some recommendations that the school management should practice and ensure gender equality amongst teachers towards promotions for high posts
Gender; Job satisfaction; Work environment; Promotion
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