The Effect of Human Capital on Social Entrepreneurial Orientation among Undergraduates Students in Malaysia
Abdullah Ali Sallam , Shuhairimi Bin Abdullah , Abeer Mohammed Ghamdhan , Mohd Zukime Bin Mat Junoh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-15 | Views: 822 | Downloads: 203 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456962
In an era of entrepreneurship popularity, a growing need exists for scholars and practitioners to develop beyond the mere perceptions or templates regarding the social entrepreneurial orientation among university students and instead have scientific data and scientific results about the impact of human capital on the social entrepreneurial orientation of students. The aim of this research is to study the effect of human capital on social entrepreneurial orientation among undergraduate students in Malaysia. The survey was conducted on 600 students who are social science, and business administration from six universities in Malaysia but only 514 questionnaires were obtained. The study combined exploratory factor analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM) to develop the research model. The findings of this study have theoretical and practical implications for academics and organization practitioners. The results indicated that a direct positive and significant effect of human capital on social entrepreneurial orientation. It was suggested that future research might widen the scope by considering social entrepreneurship-related studies in other categories, such as women, adult or general youth. Also, invite researchers focused on the legal role to support entrepreneurship based on social effect.
Human capital, social entrepreneurial orientation
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