The System of Medical Institutions Governance and its Role in Improving the Medical Services Quality: Evidence from Benghazi Medical Center


Nik Mohd Norfadzilah Nik Mohd Rashid , Aziza El Shaheibi , Nadia Rafalla Elhaddad , Norfadzilah Rashid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 23-37 | Views: 788 | Downloads: 197 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456951

Volume 8 - July 2019 (07)


this paper aimed at shedding light on the impact of the corporate governance system on improving the quality of the medical services in Benghazi Medical Center, by identifying the main principles and bases of the medical governance system, as well as the role of this system in improving the quality of the medical services. Therefore, in order to determine the attitudes and opinions of the staff at the Benghazi Medical Center about the effectiveness of these principles and the basis of the medical services quality, this paper adopted on the descriptive analytical approach by studying the regulations and instructions on which the Center depends. The preliminary data collected through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose which included a sample size was 30 respondents of doctors, nurses, and administrators. Thus, the paper showed that the medical governance is not implemented in the Benghazi Medical Center and thus has no effect on improving the quality of the medical services. Accordingly, the researchers recommended the need to implement the system of medical governance in public and private health institutions, as a guarantee to improve the medical services quality, and eliminate financial and administrative corruption in these institutions, which is the main reason for the arrival of medical services in Libya to this extent of low and bad


Medical Governance, Hospital Governance, Medical Services Quality, and Benghazi Medical Center


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