New Atomic Model from the spectra of Hydrogen, Helium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, and Deuterium and their ions
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A cohesive unifying theory of the atom does not currently exist in Quantum Physics. In this research, the atomic spectra are allowed to determine the model for the atom based upon the finding of patterns of the Balmer-Rydberg formula in the first 20 ions and neutral atoms of the periodic table. From this data, the model postulates a standing wave of varying energy antinodes originating from the particles in the nucleus of each atom which is able to predict the ionization energies of these atoms. The transitions of the electrons in atoms are defined by the energies of each antinode represented by the difference in energy between each spectral line. The spectral patterns for H, He-I, He-II, Li-I, Li-II, Li-III, Be-I, Be-II, Be-III, Be-IV, B-I, B-II, B-III, B-IV, B-V, C-I, C-II, C-III, C-IV, and Deuterium are charted and the ionization energies are calculated from the data including general inferences this model predicts about the unification of atomic forces, electron transitions, heat, and electromagnetism. This model predicts that the nucleus of every atom is held together by energy in the form of a standing wave originating from the nucleus and surrounding it. This is the Sollism Theory of the atom
Atom, Atomic Model, Spectral Analysis, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Theory, Unified Theory, Electron Transitions, Nuclear Force, Strong Force, Ionization Energy, Sollism Theory.
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