Statistical Analysis of Jump in Solar Wind Plasma Parameter and Coronal Mass Ejections with Shock Related Geomagnetic Storm
Shiva Soni , Preetam Singh Gour ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 10-15 | Views: 980 | Downloads: 211 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456939
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the drastic solar events in which huge amount of solar plasma materials are ejected into the heliosphere from the sun and are mainly responsible to generate large disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters and geomagnetic storms in the geomagnetic field. We have studied geomagnetic storms, (Dst ≤-90nT) observed during the period of 1997-2012 with Coronal Mass Ejections and disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters (velocity). We have inferred that most of the geomagnetic storms are associated with halo and partial-halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The association rate of halo and partial halo coronal mass ejections are found 75 % and 25 % respectively. Further, we have concluded that geomagnetic storms are closely associated with the disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters. We have determined a positive correlation between the magnitudes of geomagnetic storms and speed of CMEs with correlation coefficient 0.26. Further Positive co-relation has been found between the speed of CMEs and peak velocity of jump in solar wind plasma velocity. Statistically calculated co-relation coefficient is 0.31 between these two events. Again there is a Positive co-relation has been found between the speed of CMEs and magnitude of jump in solar wind plasma velocity with correlation coefficient 0.20. Furthermore, we observe the positive correlation between the magnitude of geomagnetic storms and the peak value of JSWV events and statistically calculated co-relation co-efficient is 0.42 between these two events. We have concluded that geomagnetic storms are mainly caused by Coronal Mass Ejections and disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters that they generate.
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