Role of E- Procurement in Organizational Performance of Telecommunication Firms in Kenya: A Case of Safaricom Public Limited Company


Phyllis Kirui , Professor Elegwa Mukulu ,

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Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)


The purpose of this study was to establish the role of e-procurement on the performance of Safaricom PLC. The target population Safaricom PLC and consisted of 79 respondents comprising finance officers, procurement officers, logistics officers, quality managers, ICT officers, and operations officers. A census of 79 respondents was carried out. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from the field. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics which include mean, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages and presented in terms of tables, graphs, and charts. Regression analysis was used to test the extent to which the variables under study relate to each other. The findings established that data transmission and system management had a positive and significant influence on the performance of Safaricom PLC. It led to enhanced E-ordering, E-ward and E-ordering, better channel relationship, decision making, and information sharing. It also showed increased better channel relationship, decision making, and information sharing. The study recommends that Safaricom PLC should conduct joint improvement activities, share information intensively but selectively, develop supplier technical capabilities and accept supplier complaints as an opportunity to improve on their procurement processes. The study also recommends that future research will need to be carried in other telecommunication industries in order to show if the link between e-procurement components and organizational performance can be generalized.


E-Procurement, Performance, Safaricom, Data Transmission, System Management



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