Influence of Soft Leadership Skills of a Project Manager on Project Performance: Evidence from Kenya National Youth Development and Training Projects


Kigen Gladys Chepkemoi , Dr. Kinyanjui Nganga ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-43 | Views: 886 | Downloads: 217 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456919

Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)



The purpose of the paper was to determine the influence of soft leadership skills of a project manager on project performance of Kenyan national youth development and training projects. The research design for this study was a descriptive research design. The study targeted one hundred and forty-three respondents who were drawn from ninety youth development and training projects which are randomly selected. A close ended and an open ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. The arithmetic mean and the standard deviation was used as the tools for data analysis with the aid of Statistical package software for social sciences (SPSS) was also used for data analysis. This study had several findings based on the four research objectives drawn. Findings showed communication skills and interpersonal skills of a project manager influences project performance. Based on the findings the study recommends that project managers should be trained on communication skills every quarter of a year. Additionally, it was recommended that written communication should be adopted as the formal mode of communication when implementing projects. It was also recommended that project managers should use formal language and practice precision when communicating project information to ensure clarity and concision of information received. Further, it was recommended that project managers should organize for team building sessions at least once a year to train and motivate the project team. Additionally, it was recommended that project managers should outline various ways of reinforcing hard work and achievements while implementing projects. It was also recommended that project managers should be trained on conflict resolutions once a year.



Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Project Managers, Project Performance, Training Projects, Youth Development 


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