Evaluating Patients’ Satisfaction with the Performance Based Financing Project in Ndop Health District


Sirri Mabella Forbeteh , Fabien Sundjo , Aloysius Njong ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-43 | Views: 808 | Downloads: 232 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456896

Volume 8 - April 2019 (04)


The emergence of Performance-Based Funding programs is part of comprehensive reform goals that can influence all pillars of the health system. The Performance-Based Financing (PBF) approach has attracted significant attention as a promising intervention for improving health services delivery in low- and middle-income countries. This work, therefore, attempts to evaluate patients’ satisfaction, 5 years after the inception of the Performance Based Financing pilot phase, in Ndop Health District using quantitative research design with secondary data from the PBF program for 2012 (with 544 respondents) and 2018 (with 1152 respondents). In order to pursue this objective, use was made of descriptive statistics, and both Chi-square and the Ordinary Least Square regression was used to investigate the hypothesis. The results among others revealed that PBF has a positive influence on nurses’ attitude in the Ndop Health District, that Patients’ satisfaction depends on the nurse’s attitude, waiting time and affordability. Most importantly, we found out that the satisfaction level of patients at the Ndop Health District increased significantly five years after the inception of the PBF in 2012. Policy-wise, we encourage the extension of the PBF programme to other localities, if the increase in patient’s satisfaction is sort for.


Performance Based Financing, Patient satisfaction, and Ordinary List Square regression.


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