Environmental Variables and Career Choice of Secondary School Students in Osun State Nigeria


Babatunde, Joseph Ojo , Fagbenle, Ayoola Olufunke ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 124-127 | Views: 807 | Downloads: 228 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456778

Volume 8 - March 2019 (03)


the study investigated the environmental variables and the career choice of secondary school students in Osun State, Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which the environmental variables influence the career choice of secondary school students in Osun State. A question was raised to guide the study, and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study employed a descriptive research survey design. 1,500 students were sampled from all the secondary school in Osun State. The multistage sampling method was used to select the sample for the study. A self-designed instrument named (EVCCQ) was used to collect relevant information for the study. Validation of the instrument was done through face, content and test-re-lest method. Data collected were analyzed using frequency count, percentage and ANOVA were done to answer the only hypothesis formulated. The results revealed that family background, valued societal job, peer group, school environment and religious background of the subjects influence their career choice in Osun-State. It was recommended that parents are always enjoined to encourage their words. They, however, advised not to force their will on the children. School counseling unit of school should put in place programme that will help the students to discover their potential, ability, and capability at fixing into a particular career.


Career, Family Background, Societal Valued Job, Peer Group, School Environment, Religious Background, Career Choice


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