Effect of Interpersonal Relation Strategy on Sustainable Performance of Service Firms in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Koech Rebecca Chepkemboi , Dr. Emmanuel Tanui , Prof. Robert Otuya ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 110-123 | Views: 770 | Downloads: 205 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456776
the core purpose of this paper was to establish the effect of interpersonal relation strategy on sustainable performance of Service firms in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County. This research paper aimed at determining the impact of employee trust and interpersonal sensitivity on sustainable performance. The study was guided by the Relational Dialectic Theory. An explanatory research design was employed. Basic random sampling was utilized to choose 486 employees from a target population of 3513 employees in 23 service firms using fluid survey sample size formula. The study used a five points Likert Scale questionnaire to collect data from sampled employees. Reliability of the information gathered was reviewed through the utilization of Cronbach alpha coefficients, Internal and External Validity was measured using face to face and factor analysis respectively. Findings from multiple regression model indicated that employee trust had positive significant effect on sustainable performance (β1 = 0.286, p < 0.000) and Employee interpersonal sensitivity had significant positive effect on sustainable performance (β2 = 0.132, p < 0.000), The study revelations informed service firms’ management on various interpersonal relations dimensions which included interpersonal sensitivity, employee trust and employee perspective taking that increased sustainable performance. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that interpersonal relation strategy among employees increased sustainable performance. Therefore, Service firms need to intentionally focus on fostering trust and interpersonal sensitivity between co-workers to enhance sustainable performance.
employee trust, Employee interpersonal sensitivity, sustainable performance, interpersonal relations
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