Influence of Training and Staffing In the Implementation of Early Childhood Education Programs in Eldoret West Uasin Gishu County
Download Full PDF Pages: 97-99 | Views: 801 | Downloads: 217 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456772
The vision 2030 focuses on Training and research for quality Education which is yet to be accomplished in Educational Institutions. Good Quality Training and staffing ensures effectiveness and efficiencies which plays crucial roles in laying the foundations for improved competences of future citizens, also creates a more skilled workforce capable of contributing and adjusting to technological change. The study was guided by Weber’s bureaucratic theory where training and staffing are identified as the main elements in any institutions. The target population included 185 ECDE trained teachers and 236 parents/guardians. The sample size was 55 ECDE teachers and 70 guardians because this represents 30% of each category in all 139 ECD centers in Eldoret west, Uasin Gishu. Random sampling technique was used to select teachers while systematic Random Technique was used to select guardians. Descriptive methods were employed in analyzing qualitative data where frequencies and proportions were used in interpreting. The study was conducted in Eldoret West District, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Questionnaires, Interview schedules and observation schedules were used to generate the data required. Descriptive methods were employed in analyzing qualitative data where frequencies and proportions respondent’s perception of issues raised in the questionnaires so as to answer the research questions. Findings show that training, staffing, and planning had a positive influence on the implementation of early childhood education in ECDE centers. The recommendations are that ECDC’s should acquire knowledge through training of all stakeholders that will enhance effective policy implementations and ensure holistic development of ECD learners.
Influence, training, staffing, implementation, vision 2030, early childhood education
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