Relationship between the Leadership Style of High-Level Managers and the Level of Job Satisfaction of Employees in the Ministry of Finance.


Redwanullah Abdi , Dr. Kuldeep Kumar , Dr. Farid Ahmad Monib ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 49-70 | Views: 917 | Downloads: 253 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456764

Volume 8 - March 2019 (03)


This Research is about the Relationship between the leadership style of top-level managers and the level of job satisfaction among staff in the Ministry of Finance. To this end, we first studied the concepts, views on leadership, styles and leadership theories, and then various motivational, attitude and perception of job satisfaction. For the best results of this research, this questionnaire has distributed questions that analyzed this study in two dimensions: then, leadership styles and then occupational satisfaction based on leadership styles and their relationship with them tested Is located. One of the ways to receive information is to distribute the questionnaire, and the statistical society is composed of employees at the organizational level of the Ministry of Finance, especially in Kabul. Therefore, in order to receive answers, the Likert method and his leadership styles were used, and the researcher achieved some interesting results. The results of this research show that from the point of view of the Ministry of Finance, the methodology and style of corporate and charitable leadership, including better methods for employee job satisfaction, and then autocratic, focused and consultative leadership styles, were confirmed. Among the hypotheses raised in this study, three of its hypotheses were confirmed by the respondents and two hypotheses were rejected.


Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Leadership Style, benevolent style, participatory style, authoritarian leadership style


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