The Determinants of Employee Commitment (The Study Conducted On Ethiopian Public University Academic Staff - Wolaita Sodo University Academic Staff - Wolaita Sodo university)


Mengistu Matino Eltamo(MBA, Asst. Prof) , Amsalu Keno(MBA) ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-09 | Views: 1091 | Downloads: 241 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456937

Volume 8 - June 2019 (06)


The purpose of this study is to find out the Determinant Factors influencing Staff Commitment in Wolaita Sodo University. Specifically to identify the influence of rewards, career development, training and development opportunities and the management style on employee commitment. The study uses causal research design. All public institutions would like to be more efficient, cost determinative, accountable and responsive to the needs of its customers. Public service and particular public universities play an indispensable role in the determinative delivery of skilled workforce needed for the functioning of a state economy. Public universities have an important role in Ethiopia’s socio-economic development. The target population is all Academic staff in Wolaita Sodo University. A questionnaire is the main data collection instruments. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. A regression model used to analyze the objectives. Training and development is the best predictor variable for the university. Therefore, the researchers recommend the concerned bodies of the university to give more focus on future research endeavors that investigate factors that enhance any short and long term training besides the improvements their attachments of managerial style administrating and reward in realities. This research further implies there were strong correlations among the independent variables, future studies may work on modeling techniques to understand the influence each variable has on each other in detail.    


Carrier development, commitment, Rewards, management styles, multi-regression


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