New Forms of Employment as an Obstacle for Human Development
Bogatyreva Marina Ruslanovna ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 31-31 | Views: 840 | Downloads: 233 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456758
This article presents an analysis of new forms of employment of the population, which have recently appeared and radically change the content of labor and the forms of labor relations. Flexible forms of employment and labor relations objectively create prerequisites for reducing the social security of workers and the failure of social efficiency. This problem is particularly acute given the lagging of the institutional infrastructure of the labor market from the real state and movement of social and labor relations, as well as the underdevelopment of the social responsibility of business as a characteristic feature of a mature social market economy. Thus, barriers to human development are possible
employment, labor resources, human development, new forms of employment, labor market
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