Effect of Workplace Spirituality Paradigm on Students Achievement
Muhammad Arshad , Saeed Ahmad ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 60-66 | Views: 856 | Downloads: 221 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456193
Workplace spirituality attributes the capacity of acceptance of employee inner life nourishment by purposeful work occurs for the benefit of a community (Sandhu, 2015). The major objective of this articulation was to examine the effect of workplace spirituality paradigm on students’ achievement at public and private schools of Punjab, Pakistan. The research study was quantitative in nature, descriptive and survey technique was imposed to collect data. The sample of this research study was comprised of 270 participants of public and private schools of the division Sahiwal located in central Punjab. A self-developed questionnaire based on workplace spirituality parameters validated in respect of senior educational expert discussion and piloted before actual data survey. The student's achievement is accessed from the result gazette notification 2017 of eight class conducted by Punjab Examination Commission. The parameters of workplace spirituality like the climate of mutual trust and sense of joy had a direct bearing on public schools students achievement whereas values and worth and goals and objectives had a positive effect on private schools students achievement. Multiple regression analysis was run which shows that workplace spirituality paradigm contributed significantly about 10.8% towards public school student achievement and 10.1% significantly influenced private school students achievement
Students achievement, multiple regression, workplace spirituality, public schools, influenced, dimensions
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