Influence of School Environment on Students Outcomes at Secondary Level


Dr. Gulzar Ahmad , Muhammad Arshad , Dr Zia Ahmad Qamar , Faheem Huma Gulzar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 16-23 | Views: 888 | Downloads: 248 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456179

Volume 7 - December 2018 (12)


Education plays a vital role in uplifting economic development of the country. It helps to reform a nation or society for the betterment of human life. The main aim of the study was to know the effects of the school environment on students’ performance at the secondary level. The study was descriptive in nature. The sample of the study consisted of 36 schools, 12 schools from each district of Sahiwal division. Total 180 teachers were selected as the respondents. The self-developed questionnaire was used as a research instrument. It was found that the school environment, discipline and physical facilities of school have serious effects on students’ performance. The different measures of school environment like conducive classroom environment, peaceful classroom environment, peaceful school environment, safe and secure school environment, teaching techniques, professional qualification of teachers, peer groups, classroom activities, physical facilities (electricity, drinking water, audio visual aids, school building, school furniture), absenteeism, preparation of lesson plans, malpractices during examinations, illegal funds collection, school discipline affects students’ personality, good behavior between school and society, teacher students’ relationship, school visits and teachers’ attitude affects students’ learning


Performance, School environment, Effects, Secondary level, academic problems. 


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