The Impact of Government Expenditures, Taxes On Economic Growth in Jordan


Ali Ibrahim Saleem Abueid , Omar Mohammad Abad Alkasasbeha , Nazatul Faizah Haron ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-38 | Views: 884 | Downloads: 208 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456185

Volume 7 - December 2018 (12)


The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of taxes and government expenditures on economic growth in Jordan using a time series data for the period 1970-2017.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was adopted as the dependent variable while Taxes (T) and government expenditure (GE) represents the independent variables. In addition, this study used Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL), the unit root tests Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillip-Perron (PP) for the analysis .The study found that the taxes and government expenditure at the aggregate level have a significant positive impact on economic growth


Economic Growth, Government Expenditure, Taxes


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