Calculation of Electron Energy Spectrum of Quantum-Dimensional Structures


Dr. Ihor Yurchyshyn , Volodymyr Potyak , Vasyl Skrypnyk , Bohdan Kliuchevskyi , Vasyl Petriichuk ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 18-27 | Views: 1002 | Downloads: 229 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456083

Volume 7 - November 2018 (11)


It was studied a methodology to obtain the electron energy spectrum of a quantum well with infinitely high walls, an infinitely long cylindrical quantum wire, a superlattice of quantum wells and a stack of quantum dots. The specific examples of the spectra for nanostructures based on PbSe and PbS were provided. It was shown the possibility to use the results of calculation of the energy spectrum the simplest quantum-size structures for similar calculations in nanostructures of higher complexity and found the way to control the properties of a stack of quantum dots changing its geometric characteristics. 


energy spectrum, nanostructures, quantum-size effects.


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