Influence of Class Types and Home Background and The Efficacy of Cognitive Self Instruction on Bullying Behaviour of Nigeria Secondary Schools Students


Eweniyi George , Adeoye, Ayodele.o.(Ph.d) , Raheem adebayo, i.(PH.D) , Anwanane, Bidemi.b ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-39 | Views: 1146 | Downloads: 239 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408112

Volume 2 - May 2013 (05)


Bullying constitutes a significant threat to the mental, social and physical wellbeing of school children. As an old phenomenon and worldwide problem, it has defied several efforts to curb it. This study examined the influence of class types and home background on the efficacy of Cognitive self-instruction on bullying behaviour among secondary school students in South Western part of Nigeria.

The population for the study consisted of bullies in public secondary schools in Nigeria schools. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select three schools while purposive sampling was used to select the participants. The study adopted a 2x2x2 pre-test and post test experimental research design consisting of a treatment group and one control group. Each of this group has 60 participants each, while six participants did not complete the study. Adolescent Peer Relation Inventory (APRI) was the instrument used for data collection and a total number of one hundred and fourteen students fully participated. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyse the three hypotheses formulated at the 0.05 level of significance.
The study revealed that class types and home background of the students did interact with the effect of the treatment (F(2,101) = 7.39: p < 0.05) did affect bullying behaviour. Also, home background and treatment collectively(F(2,101) = 6.028; p < 0.05) did affect bullying behaviour and lastly result revealed a non-significant effect of Cognitive self-instruction and class types on bullying behaviour (F2, 101 = 1.943: p<0.05). Based on these findings, it was recommended that psychologists, counsellors, parents, teachers and social workers should use these treatment packages in controlling bullying behaviour among secondary schools students without the fear of the two moderating variables interfering with the treatment. Also, the government should sponsor seminars/workshops for school counsellors and educational psychologists on how to use Cognitive self-instruction.


home background, class types, Cognitive Self-Instruction and Bullying behaviour.


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