Phoebe and Priscal in the Context of Women Ministry Today


Emmanuel Olujide , Vr. Rev. Adetunji ,

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Volume 2 - May 2013 (05)


The Priesthood of women in the New Testament in the mainline churches is a controversial issue that calls for attention. Priesthood should be given without consideration for sex. Since the priest is one who communes with God and communicates with the flocks. Above all, ordination is a ministry of service, which is purely pastoral, and administrative, there should be no obstacle on the way of women aspiring to be priest. This is because in other facets of life women have proven to be efficient and capable administrators and leaders. The Bible conformed from the beginning; females have taken an active and important part in the promotion of the gospel. They seem, more than others to have contributed to Christ of their substance. They were His most faithful attendants, “last at the cross, and first at sepulcher Phoebe was a servant of the church, as succored of Paul, and of many others. 


Priesthood, Women, Phoebe, Priscal, Ministry


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