Educational Services Quality Analysis
Mohsen Keshavarz , Dr Bahman Zandi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 09-17 | Views: 809 | Downloads: 209 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3428088
The goal of this study was to determine gaps in perceptions and expectations of students in University of Tehran using Service Quality Model (SERVQUAL) in 2012 based on a descriptive-analytical study. Study population consisted of all students in various majors atTehran University. The participants were selected based on a multistage sampling. In the first stage, participants were chosen from each school according to ratio-stratified sampling, and then subjects were selected randomly in each stratum. Sample size was given as 205 regarding 95% confidence, 0.8 standard deviation and 0.1 accuracy. SERVQUAL standard questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed via inferential statistical methods including Pearson Correlation coefficient, t-test and Wilcoxon Test using SPSS. The results showed a negative gap in all five educational service dimensions. The least gap average was seen in the tangibility dimensions (-5.81) and the highest gap average was for confidence (-9). There was a significant difference between students perceptions and expectations (quality gap) in all five service dimensions (P<0.001). Students’ satisfaction played a significant role in the improved educational service quality, thus it should be attempted to eliminate or mitigate gaps in current and optimal statuses.
Educational service; Student University; Quality; SERVQUAL.
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