Research Paper on Cache Memory
Pooja Agarwal , Prerna Mangla , Preeti Kumari ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 06-13 | Views: 1146 | Downloads: 233 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3427906
Cache memory is a memory which is used by the central processing unit in a computer to reduce the burden on the main access memory. Cache memory stores all the recent instructions and this is the only reason it is nearest to CPU. It lies in the path between processor and memory and this is the only reason why it use less time to access memory than main memory. Ere cache uses 100ns speed main memory uses 700 ns speed. The subject of using the data is displayed by a factor that is named hit ratio. In this paper, a new process for increasing the hit ratio is introduced which is referred to as the programmable cache memory. This method is a grouping of both the physical and logical approach, i.e., in adding together to use a high speed SRAM, a programmable logical circuit is added to the cache manager in order to increase the hit ratio. In the paper we have thrown light on cache working that the very basic functioning of the processor. We have also reached the topic discussing the cache memories in uniprocessors. Besides we have discussed the directory protocols used in cache where main protocol is snoopy protocol. And at last we have gone through cache consistencies that is how it works in tough times. And at last we have concluded with some important points.
Hit Ratio, Locality Of Reference, Programmable Cache Memory, Snoopy Protocols, Cache Coherence, Cache Consistency
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