Modified Squamous with Biomedical Image Processing


anindita chatterjee , Himadri Nath Moulick , Dr. Poulami Das ,

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Volume 3 - December 2014 (12)


SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA(SCC) of the lip is an infiltrating and destructive malignant epithelial tumour, with high potential for lymphatic and/or blood metastasizes. Lip SCC is 15-30% of all SCC the cephalic extremity and 1/5 of the upper aerodigestive tract cancers. We conducted a prospective study in Dermatology Clinic from Craiova, between 2004-2010, with the aim of highlighting the epidemiological aspects, clinical and therapeutically evolution of patients with lip SCC.Lip SCC onset occurs frequently on premalignant lesions, especially on chronic keratoziccheilitis, pointing out the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for preblastomatouscheilitis. Early establishment of treatment of lip SCC offers the safety of therapeutic accomplishment. Option for surgical treatment of T0, T1N0M0 lip SCC is justified by the very good oncological, aesthetic and functional results in most cases. Surgical treatment of primary T0, T1 lesions, respecting the oncological surgery principles makes it not recommended to "filling in" the results with other therapeutic methods. Patients should be regularly examined for a period of at least three years to capture the moment of occurrence of metastases, or a possible relapse of a lip SCC. Actions are needed to educate the population about the risk factors and to detect precancerous lesions and SCC of rim in early stage.  To present incisional biopsy importance as an effective clinical approach for the diagnosis of lip squamous cell carcinoma and actinic cheilitis malignancy as well as the professional’s lack of knowledge on these two diseases. The physician and dentist must be aware of the main clinical features of lip squamous cell carcinoma so that they can establish its correct diagnosis and early treatment.


Multi-model image alignment , extrinsic method , intrinsic method, Smoothing ,Enhancement, Thresholding, Histogram Analysis    


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