Effects of Single and Combined Treatments on the Social Malasjusted Behaviour of Youths in Nigerian Secondary Schools


Bada Festus Olatunji ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-18 | Views: 942 | Downloads: 241 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408096

Volume 2 - May 2013 (05)


This study examined the effects of single and combined treatments on the social maladjusted behavior among youths in Nigeria Secondary Schools. A 4×2×2 factorial design was used involving a sample of 120 maladjusted youths who were randomly selected through simple and stratified random sampling techniques. Three self-designed instruments were used, namely: Moral Assessment Scale; social skills Questionnaire and the combination of both. The subjects were assigned into three experimental groups and one control group: social skills training (SSQ Group 1); Moral Development Training (MDT Group 2) and the combination of the two (SSQ plus MDT Group 3).
ANCOVA was used to analyse the data. The results showed that SSQ was effective in improving the social maladjustment of youths, while SSQ plus MDT reflect more improvement on the social maladjustment. In view of the outcome of the findings, the use of social plus moral skills training was recommended for modifying the social maladjustment problem of youths in Nigeria Secondary Schools. Parents’ supports are also enlisted in all behavior treatment programs. 


Social maladjustment, moral skills, social skills, Nigeria youths, combined treatments


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