Impact of Globalization on the Poor
M. Waqas ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 06-13 | Views: 754 | Downloads: 209 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3413374
Volume 3 - September 2014 (09)
This paper identifies and discusses the effects of globalization on poverty. Globalization effects poverty both negatively and positively. The characteristics of globalization are discussed. Poverty is defined in detail and it has brought a lot of disadvantages to the societies. It leads to people feeling themselves inferior than others, left behind and rejected. They have to struggle hard to survive. Globalization brings economic growth but this economic growth does not benefit everyone equally. it increases inequality and poverty in the less developed countries. It has increased costs which are difficult to bear for the poor the increase in trade and investment has reduced the capita income. The technological advancements occurred has benefits but they have many negative effects also. They have led to downsizing of employees leading to unemployment and poverty
i. Is globalization reducing poverty and inequality? (WADE, 2004)
ii. Globalization and poverty (majid, 2003)
iii. The impact of globalization on world’s poor (Machiko Nissanke, 2005)
iv. Globalization and poverty reduction (Stergakis, 2011)
v. Globalization and its Economic Social Political and Cultural impact (Mehlika, 2013-15)
vi. The impact of globalization on poverty in Bangladesh (Osmani, 2006)
vii. Distributional and Poverty Consequences of Globalization (Ronald MacDonald, 2010)
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