Effect of Strategic Change on Banks Performance; Evidence from Kenya
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The main objectives of the study were to determine the effect of strategic change on bank performance in Kenya. The study was informed by Organizational Life Cycle Theory, Contingency theory, three-step change theory and lippitt’sphases of change theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The total population was 255 head of departments drawn from 25 banks within Nairobi CBD. Stratified and random sampling techniques were used to select 119 respondents. The study used the questionnaire in data collection. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical measures such as, mean, standard deviation and variance to give glimpse of the general trend. In addition, inferential statistics which included Pearson correlation and multiple regression were used to test the relationship. The findings indicate organization leadership style change, and employee-training change has significant effect on bank performance. The study concludes that employee training change e is of essence in improving bank performance. Therefore, there is need for banks managers to emphasize on employee training so that they can develop the appropriate knowledge and skills to work efficiently, and achieve bank objectives
Leadership Style, Bank Performance, Employee-Training, Strategic Change
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