Assessment of the effectiveness of the UAE media during the economic crisis


Dr. Amina Khamis AlDhaheri , Dr. Mai A. Alkhajah ,

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Volume 2 - May 2013 (05)


Studying all forms of economic, social, environmental and industrial crises has gained growing importance these days. The media plays a key role in the management of these crises. It gives the receiving public a lot of information and guidelines on how to deal with such crises and their consequences. It also has an impact on the perception of the public as shown by several media studies and theories. Moreover, the media plays an important role in the formation of public opinion in various societies. However, the task of the media becomes more complicated at times of crises and instability in all societies. Therefore, the media should be well prepared to deal with crises in a professional and effective manner.
There is no doubt that the current economic crisis is really one of the most serious problems has struck the world. The global economy has never seen a crisis with this magnitude since the great depression of 1929. All countries in the East and West suffered from this crisis, but with varying degrees based on each country’s position in the global economy. It is a well-known fact that Gulf economies are closely linked to the global economy. This is because Gulf Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates, embrace the capitalist system or the free market economy, whereby the private sector provides goods and services to consumers, while the government plays the role of the legislator and the observer. Moreover, the economies of Gulf States depend -to a large extent- on the global economy to sell their oil products. They also invest oil revenues in foreign countries like the United States and Europe. Therefore, the global financial crisis has had great impact on Gulf countries in general, and the United Arab Emirates in particular because they are closely linked to the global economy


UAE media, economic crisis, Media Power


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