Effects Of Training of Academic Staff on Employees’ Performance in Federal Polytechnics, Nigeria



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Volume 2 - November 2013 (11)


This Study examines the effects of Training of Academic Staff on employees’ Performance in the Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, Nigeria. This survey research has three questions to contend with. These questions gave rise to the three objectives of the study. To examine the effects of Training of Academic Staff on: employees’ Productivity, Timeliness and Work quality respectively. It is equally hypothesized that there’s no significant effect of Training of Academic Staff on employees’ Productivity, Timeliness and Work quality respectively. A structured, close-ended questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was adopted to get data from the respondents. A total of 220 copies of the questionnaires were randomly administered using a stratified random sampling technique across the 7 schools as well as the library unit of the Polytechnic. Ordinary Least Square (O.L.S) method of regression and ANOVA methods of analysis were employed in analyzing the results with the aid of an SPSS computer package. Findings revealed that the Training of Academic Staff has a significant effect on employees’ productivity, enhanced timeliness in service delivery and work quality. Additionall,y there is a long list of staff waiting for sponsorship. The study recommends, among other issues for the periodic re-training of staff bearing in mind the dynamics of human activities. However, in doing that, beneficiaries of training programs should be made to serve the institution for a longer period than is presently being practiced.


Training, Employees Performance, Productivity, Timeliness, Work Quality and Career Development.


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