Human Skill: An Emerging Dimension of Social Media and Competitive Advantage in Sri Lankan Hotel industry
Download Full PDF Pages: 16-20 | Views: 945 | Downloads: 195 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3412381
Having good human skills gives the ability to get the best out of their people. The employees’ IT skill is increasingly common utilization of social media in hotel industry. Utilizing the social media as a marketing strategy, hoteliers can ensure their advantage in competitive market. As such, the purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between human skill and social media and also the relationship between human skill and competitive advantage. The primary data for this research were collected through survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed using structured questions to measure the relationship among the variables. Correlation values and Parameter estimate; multivariate data analysis were employed to test the hypotheses. The results of this paper indicate that the high positive relationship between human skill and utilization of social media. Also, the results give the high positive relationship between human skill and competitive advantage in Sri Lankan hotel industry
Sri Lankan hotel industry, human skill, Social media, competitive advantage.
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