The Effective Factors towards Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Banking Industry


Amneh Abdallah Yousef Almaqableh , Idris Bin Mohd Noor ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-60 | Views: 934 | Downloads: 234 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445642

Volume 6 - February 2017 (02)


Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) has experienced understated definitional reviews since the concept was invented in the 1980s. Nonetheless, the concept rests the same at its essential. The concept of OCB is meant anything that workers select to attain, impulsively and of their consensus, which over and over again lies separate of their definite predetermined responsibilities (Bies 1989). Organizational citizenship behavior or organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a person’s voluntary commitment within an organization or company that is not part of his or her contractual tasks. There is another definition which describes organizational citizenship behavior as a concept that includes whatever thing affirmative and positive that workers do, of their particular preference, which helps co-workers and supports the corporation. 
Generally, workers who repeatedly participate in OCB may not continuously be the topmost players (nevertheless they could be, as job presentation is connected to OCB), however they are the individuals who are recognized to ‘go the additional mile’ or ‘go overhead and beyond’ the lowest efforts compulsory to do only acceptable work. Therefore, any organization will get advantages from encouraging workers to participate in OCB, as it has been revealed to upsurge efficiency, productivity and consumer gratification, and decrease prices and proportions of incomings and absenteeism (Podsakoff et al. 2009; Zaghini et al. 2015)


Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Banking Industry


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