Employees’ Suggestion Scheme and Business Excellence at Ajman Land and Property Department
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Employee suggestion scheme is an important tool which had been used by different companies where innovation and creativity became crucial factor to achieve cost saving, revenue increase and customer satisfaction. The Leader (President) of Ajman Land and Property Department (ALPD) at the Emirate of Ajman at United Arab Emirates (UAE) , being a creative and open-minded person, tries his best to move (ALPD) to a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. This paper will explore how (ALPD) achieved business excellence through Employee Suggestion Scheme by highlighting the following issues:
- The importance and relationship between employee suggestion scheme and the TQM / business excellence models.
- The detailed process activities/stages of employee suggestion scheme at (ALPD).
- Critical success factors that enabled (ALPD) to maximize the utilization of this concept.
- Challenges and obstacles which (ALPD) faced in its journey of applying a practical and effective employee suggestion scheme and how it overcome that
Organizational Excellence, Human Resources Management, Employee Suggestion Scheme, Critical Success Factors, Enablers
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