Digitization in Research for Cultural, Commercial and Scientific Development


Igwenagu Chinelo M , Prof. Luke O. Anike ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-05 | Views: 963 | Downloads: 222 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445624

Volume 6 - February 2017 (02)


 Development brings about changes in ways of life and Digitization is a process of development. Digitization, a process of converting analog information into digital format has made Research a lot easier. The continuous development of digital tools and innovative software has a lot of commercial benefits and has increasingly enhanced the efficiency and performance requirements in research. This has equally aided in the preservation of cultural heritage for commercial and scientific development. This paper has viewed digitization as a veritable tool for enhancing research for cultural, commercial and scientific development. It has come to a conclusion that preservation of cultural heritage not only leads to commercial and scientific development but also enhances sustainable development


Cultural heritage, Commercial Development, Digitization, Research, Scientific Development


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