Use of Kaizen for Quality Enhancement in Business-A Cost-cutting Tool


Zeb Jan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 89-96 | Views: 810 | Downloads: 189 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441947

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


This research paper has taken up the correlation study of three different HRD interventions with the quality of output in business process. These HRD interventions include Employee adaptation process, Continuous Skill up-gradation using team learning and guidance by coworkers. The process waste in activities has been taken up as a moderator that boosts up the cost of maintaining quality in output. In order to cut down the cost of maintaining quality process waste should be eliminated and Kaizen approach should be used in HRD strategies.
This research has applied Poornema’s(2003) Model of Kaizen approach i.e individual orientated Kaizen, group oriented Kaizen and management oriented Kaizen, to HRD(adaptation and Skill up-gradation) in order to introduce quality in business on sustainable basis. It is a secondary that attempts to establish the proposed model through analysis of two case studies taken from two different industries. The final part of the paper suggests certain recommendations including frequent orientation of the managers, eliminating process waste and rotation of the team members for learning and adaptation purpose, as a solution to the cost problem associated with maintaining quality as a norm


Quality, Kaizen, Employee adaptation, Employee orientation, HR process waste


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